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Where are we heading toward?

By Rebati Mohan Sinha

One group of Bishnupriya Manipuri fighting another desperately seeking to assert their own right to be part of the modern society we talk about. There is no attempt to reach out, resolve issues, and build relationship that can go beyond the feudal structure of the ruled and ruler. We have forgotten that we are one society. We need to work for one and all for future. A future can`t be realized through conflicts; but needs to be nurtured through an understanding of local issues and concern.

Whatever is happening today in the society is because of lack of leadership. A real leader emerges when there is perfect harmony between his ideas and the people`s mood; but at some point, he has to fade away. The leaders, who make desperate attempts to cling to their receding turf, often face humiliation. You are relevant as long as you can keep pace with the changes.

I felt abashed reading news items ‘NBMM suspends five office bearers’, ‘Singha Gautam catches NBMM on wrong foot, warns of action, and ‘BMSS strips NBMM president of all powers’. Ultimately where are we heading toward?

Section B of Art.23 of constitution of NBMM, which deals with ‘disciplinary action against office- bearers, says – “In the case of member of the Central Executive Committee or an office-bearer of any committee (be harmful to Mahasabha), the Central Executive Committee shall take up enquiry and take action.” Some questions may arise:

1. Was there any panel constituted to enquire about the misconduct of persons suspended? If not, could it be declared as suspension null and void?
2. Was there any show-cause notice served on Mr. Biresh Ranjan Sinha, Working President of BMSP? If not, how can he be suspended without hearing him?


  1. I liked the articles ‘where are we heading towards’ by
    Rebati Mohan Sinha and the message from Col. Vijoy Sinha(Rtd). The theme of the
     messages are quite identical except for
    a few lines hither and thither. They urge people to unite and work for the development
    of society instead of banging their heads for petty issues.


    Why did Rebati Sinha mention about the section B of Art.23,
    dealing with suspension of office bearers? Let the authority reply to those
    questions, probably be raised by people some day? We hope, Mahasabha would show
    its transparency.


    Colonel has stated ‘Is it justifiable to bargain the honor
    of the social workers of the society in lieu of the petty issue of BMDC.’ How
    did he justify the BMDC as petty issue?

    I could not agree with him, because today, the most of the people’s
    discontentment is due to BMDC. I still remember the first salvo fired on Sep.26th
    Sentinel, ‘Chances of Kartiksena Sinha, the controversial MLA becoming chairman
    of proposed BMDC was very bleak.... ‘Goala had suggested the name of Dr. Deven
    Sinha’..........., followed by 2nd and 3rd salvo “NBMM
    /NBMSP came down heavily on Assam Urban Development Minister Dinesh Prasad
    Goala” and  “NBMM disown statement by
    DILS Sinha and Singha Gautam”  on Sep 28
    and 30th respectively.


    Therefore, I would like to request Colonel Vijoy Sinha
    to go through the news item reproduced in this blog and review his statement
    B sarma

  2. Colonelbijaysinha22 October 2011 at 19:25

    I would like to clarify that BMDC was conceptualised by NBMM in 2003 during its world conference held at silchar. It is thus highly ironical that the very people who were the front-runners of the concept of the BMDC were sidelined by fabrication of cases against them so that these people cannot participate when the government formulates the BMDC. Now, let us see who, the members of the NBMM are, whose integrity and loyalty towards the society has been questioned.
    1) Dr. D.K. Sinha, President, NBMM
    2) Sri Chandrakanta Sinha, Working President, NBMM
    3) Sri Rebati Mohan Sinha, Working President, NBMM
    4) Agnipurush Gopinath Sinha, President, NBM Sahitya Parishad
    5) Sri Jogendra Kr. Sinha, President, NBM Sanskriti Parishad6) Sri Sushil Sinha, President, BM Sahitya Parishad, Assam
        and 11 other prominent social workers.
    Frankly, I prefer the services of these respectable and devoted social workers for the development of the community rather than getting BMDC by putting their honour at stake, simply because petty issues like membership of BMDC cannot and must not diminish the magnitude of the services rendered and the sacrifices made by them over the time for the society.
     We must not keep mum and let this injustice take place. People should learn to respect their services instead of criticizing their role in the development of the society.

  3. being the working president of NBMM how can rebati mohan sinha make public statement againt its own organisation .? every organisation has its rights to take action against its member for enty organisational activities . why sinha was silent when a fabricated case was filed against 15 executive members of NBMM by ex MLA inthe name of rabisankar sinha . among 15 ,rebati mohan sinha s name is included . Be honest and loyal to your organisation and society .

  4. After reading  lot comment I felt,
     Mr. Rebati sinha has expressed his fear on the suspension of office bearer that people meght raise question on the action taken by Mahasabha .Here I would say we see things not the way they are but the way. we are always thank the other person for critisizing in constructive manner.the basic ethos of BM scty i harmony ,but I would not question the right to speak of raise pertinent issue . To me the BM scty is represented by a few motely groups of individuals who do not really speak for vast majority ,.

  5. With due respect to Col. Vijoy Sinha, I would like to
    further mentioned here :- 


    should he be worried about the integrity of the people like Dr. Deben
    Sinha, Sri Chandrakanta Sinha, and other mahasabha members, he
    mentioned. They are no doubt revered personalities, and no one can question
    of their integrity; but their collective wisdom has been missing, since
    the declaration of BMDC by Govt. of Assam. Colonel has reminded us of BMDC
    being their brain child; but no one could even think of its sudden arrival
    to their kitty, in fact they were not even ready today with the draft
    proposal(our long standing demands) of BMDC. In spite of several requests,
    they(NBMM) never arranged a BM convention to apprise the people at large since
    the Govt.declaration on 25th March 2010 and the result is
    infighting and unrest in the society. Mahasabha has invited more of their
    problems rather than solving them by suspension of office bearers. Clapping
    is always with two hands. I could fore-see the repetition of 1984, the Mahasabha
    partition year. In fact it is quite imminent.
    was Col. Sinha silent on the Sentinel news of Sept.26, regarding
    Minister’s comment against Kartiksena Sinha( Ex MLA) and favoring Dr.
    Deben Sinha? I was expecting him to come up with good suggestion on this
    issue. I would say, no one is above any organization, whether he holds the
    top most post or not. How could four or five office bearers go and meet
    ministers without the approval of NBMM Central Executive Committee, prior
    to the publication of this 26th news? I have been compelled to
    say that the 26th Sept. Sentinel/Jugasankha news was the
    beginning of downfall as far as the Society Development is concerned.


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