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Bishnupriya Manipuri bodies to continue crusade against corruption

From our Special Correspondent 

SILCHAR, August 13: Various Bishnupriya Manipuri bodies under the aegis of Bishnupriya Manipuri Unemployed Youths’ Association at a meeting held recently in the auditorium of Bhubaneswar Sadhuthakur Sevaashram here resolved to carry on crusade against the irregularities and anomalies in Development Council. It is to be recollected that persistent demands for probe into the complaints of general public against the corruption in Bishnupriya Manipuri Development Council have been raised as articulated by Gopidas Sinha, member of State Linguistic Minority Development Board and a well known social worker, and his threat to undertake fast unto death if no investigation was caused by the department of welfare of plain tribes and backward classes, Government of Assam. 

Altogether 10 Bishnupriya Manipuri Organizations which included the Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Mahasabha, the Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Students’ Union, the Bishnupriya Manipuri Gana Sangram Parishad, the Bishnupriya Manipuri Women Organization, the Bishnupriya Manipuri Ex-Servicemen Organisation, the Bishnupriya Manipuri Xahitya Xabha, the Bishnupriya Manipuri Samaj Sangstha, the Bishnupriya Manipuri Andolan Parishad, the Bishnupriya Manipuri Krishak Sangstha, the Bishnupriya Manipuri Un-Employed Youths Association came out in support of the move of Gopidas Sinha and expressed their satisfaction at the decision taken by Rajib Lochan Pegu, Minister of WPT and BC, for initiating an inquiry commission to investigate all the cases of corruption against the Development Council and to initiate action against those found guilty. These bodies also demanded dissolution of the present interim committee of the Development Council. 

It was expected at the meeting that the Minister Rajib Lochan Pegu after receiving the report of the inquiry commission would take immediate steps to reconstitute the committee of the Development Council democratically so that it was evenly and proportionately represented by taking maximum number of members in consistent with the provisions. It was also hoped by the office bearers and members that the inquiry commission would submit its report within the stipulated period of 3 months as directed by the Minister. The people of the community are now eagerly looking forward to see the formation of a new committee which will maintain transparency and be accountable as well as responsive and responsible. The joint meeting was presided over by Chandra Kanta Sinha, working president of Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Mahasabha.

Courtesy: The Sentinel



  1. I think, the reporter of news paper 'Sentinel' had never visited the venue,where the meeting was in progress,on the contrary, he had been fed with a tailor made news provided by the organisers,otherwise he couldn't have mentioned 'Auditorium'.There is no auditorium existing in the premises of Bhubaneshwar Sadhu Thakur Sevashram.And since when Sri Gopidas Sinha became well known Social worker?It is no doubt,he is a Linguistic Minority Development Board member,who,during last more than 2 years never uttered a single word regarding allocation of funds for BM development.These two members of ALMDB, Dr.Deven and Gopidas himself never had given any joit statement on the fund allocated to BM society.Why can't any one of us from our society not demanding to know from them the status of that fund? We know, Dr. Deben is a social worker,but never heard of this man,Sri Gopidas who was self exiled(hiding) for about 10 years prior to his re-appearance at his native place about 2 years back. Can any one of us give any clue about his day to day life? Here, there are 10 social organisations floating, out of which hardly any of them are registered with the Govt.Collection of money/donation on the name these orgns, is illegal and punishable under law. These organs are having only one point in the agenda; that is move/talk/complain against BMDC.Have any one of you heard talking/discussing any constructive point on BM development?


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