On 08-07-2011 before 1500 hours at any time one Sajal Sarkar (18) S/O Arun Sarkar of Durbasha Khola, PS-Nepaltilla criminally entered the house of Sankar Sinha at Bhumihin Colony (about 1 ½ km North from PS) and committed rape upon her minor daughter while she was alone at home. After committing rape Sajal Sarkar killed her by strangulation with a napkin and fled away. Nepaltilla PS staff visited the PO and arranged for post mortem examination of the dead body of the victim. Efforts are on to arrest accused Sajal Sarkar.
Taken from Facebook forum: Bishnupriya Manipuri Discussion Forum
(Victim's name deleted)
Source: Tripura Police Press Release
Source: Tripura Police Press Release
Is this news from Bangladesh? Incomplete, and strangulate by Napkin?.