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Bishnupriya bodies call for consensus on the formation of development council

Special Correspondent

SILCHAR, July 25: The Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Students’ Union (NBMSU) and Bishnupriya Manipuri Gana Sangram Parishad (BMGSP), subimitted a memorandum Monday to the Minister of Welfare of Plain-tribes and Backward Classes of Assam on Monday through the Deputy Commissioner of Cachar to activate the Bishnupriya Manipuri Development Council in the interest of the community.

Both the organizations since have been campaigning for the introduction of Bishnupriya Manipuri language and socio-economic development of this backward community. On16 March, 1966, a teenaged girl Sudeshna became martyr during 501 hour railway blockade agitation called by the organizations which led the Government of Assam to give OBC status to the community. The organizations’ continuous movement culminated in the introduction of the Bishnupriya Language in the schools on June 2, 1999. It was also their long struggle and movement which resulted in the creation of the Bishnupriya Manipuri Development Council for the development of the backward community. It was possible with the active help of the Mahasabha and the then MLA of Patharkandi, Kartik Sena Sinha.

Both the organizations urged upon the minister concerned not to entertain any piecemeal proposal from any other organization separately. The memorandum was signed by Anil Krishna Rajkumar,

President NBMSU, and Subal Sinha, Chairman BMGSP, as well as other office bearers of both the organizations.

Courtesy: The Sentinel 


  1. Mr.Rebati,
    I think you are a working President of NBMMS if I don't mistake where your president is Dr.Devendra Sinha .Recently we have invited to your supremo for joint hands together for various development issues for BM society including BMDC .Accordingly all the leading organization joint together with us.So dear instead of giving vies to the few internet viewers I warmly welcome give these such statement before the society then I will think you r a BM.Sometimes I really doubt  about your background either you from other cast or our cast.And there are evidence you had a close social marriage relation with Bengali and Meithie.All these leads you as a non Bishnupriya Manipuri of the society who dare to condemnd a proud and crusader of the society is NBMSU and BMGSP.Now onwards we will be close watch on you not to interfere any kind of social activities in our society.Otherwise you may disclose many important internal secret matter to others.Finally it is my earnest request to all Mr.Rebati So called internet social worker not physical social worker should banned immediately.
    I can challenged with you(Mr.Rebati) with documents the Bishnupriya Manipuri all major demands fulfilled by NBMSU and BMGSP for your better knowledge you may collect those documents which facts speak about.

    Samir Sinha
    Principal Secy,BMGSP


  2. Honourable Principal Secretary Samir Girok,

    I feel pity that the organisation like BMGSP has kept you Principal Secretary. Baya, you write shit and sign it with your organisation's name. Your organisation has chosen a bad destiny by appointing you in a responsible position(doubtful). Who doesn't know anything. Baya, you have trespassed the limits of public opinion. Who the hell are you to give certificate of ones identity. Baya you sounds autocratic and very much dangerous to the fabric of peaceful and progressive society. If you are so scared with ones writings, you should have answered it without attacking his personal rights. 

    You seem to be ineligible in all fronts, even in your thinking. You did a blunder mistake by airing your poisonous fangs online. Baya Mr Sameer Sinha Girok better widen up  your thinking and actions, and work for the betterment of the society and not work as a secret agent. 

    What kind of secrets Baya are you talking about? Are you a Principal Secretary or a spy...Baya? 

  3. I fully support Mr. Harish in specifying Mr. Samir to reply the points raise by Mr.
    Rebati Mohan Sinha. I too request Mr.Samir,the self-styled Principal Sec. of so called BMGSP to answer the following along with Mr.Rebati M. Sinha's.
    1.Where were you on that fateful day of firing in Kolkolighat?
    2.What action did you take after the Sudeshna's death, I mean, had u been hiding or intensifying the movement? Why did'nt u file a FIR in the police station during the year 1996? When did u leave BM SU and join BMGSP?
    3.Since when r u occupying this self made position,Principal Sec.of BMGSP? Is it from the inception or later?
    4.Do u have any Office, Bylaw/Constitution of BMGSP registered under society Act 1860 ie.Regitrar of Society? If yes, give proof.
    5.While commenting, did u use unparliamentary language on same gentleman on his article BMDC part (1) written on 31st May 2010, on behalf of Ex MLA,Shri Kartiksena?
    6. Why did u part away from the same person u had been praising since the declaration of BMDC, Mr.Kartiksena Ex. MLA?
    7. Is it because of ur name being excluded from the preliminary list of 25 members of BMDC?
    8. U have been claimng as student leader prior to declaring urself as Principal Sec,can u give total no of schools by indicating names and location in writing where BM student population are more than 50%? Since 1996, can u count in ur finger tips, how many schools have u visited, how many times?
    9.At the moment what is ur occupation, I mean, r u an employee or self employed? Is Principal secretariship/so called social work ,ur full time job?
    10. On last 02 Aug.2011 u had a meeting  at college road without any  agenda point.
    Do you expect President of NBMM would attend that? Did he send his emissary,
    Shri Krishnadas Sinha,General.Sec.of NBMM or not?
    There are plenty of questions stored for him.I hope, he would be able to tell the BM society.

  4. Cont...
    5.While cmmenting,did u ever use unparliamentary language on Mr. Rebati Mohan Sinha(personal attack) on his article BMDC part-1.written on 31st may 2010,where as praised then MLA Kartiksena Sinha?
    6.Why did u part away from the same person whom u had been praising rather praying, since the declaration of BMDC?
    7.Is it because of ur name being struck of from the final list, inspite of the name been existing in the preliminary 25 member list?

    8.Todays Jugasankha u have been mentioned as student leader.How do u manage urself for  both BMSU and BMGSP? Are u employed or self employed?
    Can u tell to public about ur occupation?

    9.What is the position r u holding in BMSU? Can we term it as stage managed show u have put up on that day  in the meeting  to tell something against Mr.Rebati Mohan Sinha or really as a member?

    Can u tell to public in writing, in how many schools with names and location,our 50%or more BM students are stuudying? How many times u have visited (with
    proof)? What is the exact duty of BMSU towards students communities as far as u r concerned? What is ur costitution says?

    U better answer with confidence. Another ten more points are being ready for ur Ans


  5. Cont...
    7. Is it becase of ur name being struck off from the final list of BMDC,submitted by Mr.Kartiksena or something else?

    8.Yesterday's Jugasankha u r quoted as student leader, where as u r Principal Seec.of BMGSP. Why are press not recognising u as P.S to BMGSP? Can we now satisfy ourselves that u ur-self crafted it for ur own benifit?

    9.How are u managing two-two posts at a time? Are u an employed person,self employed man or jobless?

    10. My last question to u, I suppose ,u people are working very hard for the B.M language . Can u give an account to public the correct nos. of schools with names and locations, where 50% and more of B.M.students studying?It is bit tough question,pl.answer it very carefully.

    I shall come up with more question later, prepared to answer.


  6. We are fed up of reading news, published in this blog since last one and a half year, regarding B.M D.C. Where were this groug of people,
    belonging to NBMSU and BMGSP sleeping, while the BMDC was in making stage? Why are they now making the mockery of social service? I m in doubt whether these groups in any time worked for the BM student community. Duties of  a Student Union is to see the welfare of students; but this group never ever talked for them in the past. Anyway, Mr. Samir would definitely coming with the answers he was asked to.

  7. Mr.harish Sinha,
    The comment written by Mr.Rebati Mohan Sinha on the issue of NBMSU and BMGSP are non Bishnupriya Manipuri body these comment certainly painful for everyone if anyone have the idea about this community establishment unless what ever all the question raised by you and  others are correct..I don't feel to answer your question because you may not  relate many-things about long movement.Rather I will request you kindly arrange  a meeting inviting to all leading social organization there I will be presence with necessary document.Regarding development council Ex-MLA Mr.Kartik Sena Sinha and Businessman Chandrakanta sinha requested to me to join in the council for my honesty and social work experience .Till today I never shown my interest for membership in BMDC you may ask those concern person.Let us have a build a genuine society.Today you may not know many things about NBMSU and BMGSP but the day will come the facts will speak about what had contributed for welfare of the Bishnupriya Manipuri society.Your baya or spy or Principal secy etc are not so important to established a society where many rich man and  
    intellectual are fail to head down before Manipur state ,A simple girl from kachubari,patherkandhi who died for noble cause and society saved from long seventy years movement and  got fruitful result .Dear whatever I am writing not for my self interest .I am writing for everyone benefit.What is the benefit condemning organisation.A organisation strongly supported for BMDC during the crisis time and helped a lot.You may ask Mr Chandrakanta Sinha and EX-Mla Kartik Sena Sinha  'A memorandum submitted by NBMSU and BMGSP".
    SAmir Sinha.

  8. Mr Samir Girok,

    At first, thanks for your reply. Baya, the question is not about Mr Rebati Mohan Sinha's questions. Neither you nor he is wrong. Everybody is correct. Baya, I myself and here all are concerned to the betterment of the BM society. Everybody in their own way are contributing to its progress. There must not be any kind of mud slinging, in fact criticisms should be welcomed and appreciated and should be handled respectfully. People are very smart Baya. They can read things very well. Don't you think?
    It is very pathetic that despite knowing everything you are reluctant to share it to the public, they are your own people Baya. This is very unconducive and strange mentality. Let we people know what it is taking place. 
    Why should we people wait? We're eager to know the contribution of NBMSU and BMGSP and its activities. As simple as it is Baya. Hope you don't mind calling you baya. I call everyone Baya, Baya. 

  9. Dear Harish! Don't expect any reply from him,b'cos this group doesn't believe in
    anything other than their own benifit.You may just ask him how much service charges his group received from the newly appointed 53 poor BM teachers.You
    just ask him how much money in those days, this group had collected from the society to help the bereaved family of Sudeshna. They will not give any answer.



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