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Pick and Choose


The lifecycle of news is too short. Either you leave it or pick it. Both need decisions and fair understanding of the regional media infrastructure.

RK Rishikesh Sinha, New Delhi

The nicest and the most rewarding job that I love doing it here is non other than watching the horizon of news. It is a fantastic feeling waiting for the news to evolve and see in front my eyes how it is being hatched and catered in the different media all across the country.

In this process lot of news catch my attention that are of relevance to us. Like the recently held election and renaming of Tarapur Railway Station in the Barak Valley of Assam. This is besides other political developments that took place in the state of Assam and Tripura.

However there are news item that emerges from New Delhi and are of importance to the Bishnupriya Manipuri dominant areas. These news items don’t come with embedded “Bishnupriya Manipuri” word in it, but it is directly and indirectly related to the community. In this section comes the news on Other Backwards Classes (OBC) and minority.

In such news item, I find myself in a Catch-22 situation. Shall I pick the news or leave it? The task becomes tough when couple of news item with the same weightage seek the same attention. While choosing such news item I usually run a test about its worthiness.

On August 27, 2009, a news piece was released here that the reservation benefits for the OBC has been extended to the National Institute of Technology, Agartala. The news pulled me down from my seat with the revelation that the OBC communities of Tripura in particular, were not able to reap the benefits of reservation to the prestigious engineering college of the state.

That’s means the bright Bishnupriya Manipuri students can’t pursue engineering in the college lest they apply in the General category. Shall I pick the news or leave it, was my first irrefutable question to myself? Secondly, if I leave the news than where will it reappear in a different format? Thirdly, how the Assam-based Bishnupriya Manipuri will come to know about the news since the media houses of the state may or may not pick up the news?

The answer to the last question prompted me pick up the news and hence Bishnupriya Manipuri living in Assam and Tripura came to know uniformly what the news was all about. Interestingly, after one day Tripura web channels picked up the news. And news media of Assam didn’t carry the news.

Next came the news “Gov to launch a 10-point programme for Safeguarding interests of Linguistic Minorities” on August 29, 2009. I was affirmed that this news item which is important to us being a linguistic minority will not be carried by the news channels of both the states, I was correct.

But the readers of the site came to know a very important development taking place in the Government which is related to us. Since its day of release I am waiting when the news of the programme will be released and the readers come to know what lies in the proposal.

This is my loving job: Pick and Choose news.

Today is Shakolsher (Thursday)

What next?
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    1. Dear Rishi! carry on doing such services to the B.M.society.
      People living in these two states are staying like frogs in a well.Let us try our best to encourage them to visit web sites.My best wishes will be always with you.

    2. Dear Rishi! carry on doing such services to the B.M.society.
      People living in these two states are staying like frogs in a well.Let us try our best to encourage them to visit web sites.My best wishes will be always with you.


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