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One step forward

RK Rishikesh Sinha, New Delhi

Vision is the foundation of progress and progress is the motivation and reason to live. Often I ponder what would be the future of the site? The mere thinking, that the site could become dead (which is the hard reality in the on-line world) due to some unforeseen reasons, personal or otherwise, jerks me from inside. I think about the online and offline readers, who have been associated with the site for years, what would be their primary mode of communication if the site goes down. There will be looming silence all over again.

But when I take into consideration the thousands of the viewers of the site, and the enormous opportunities that they bring with their association, I find there is a ray of hope to institutionalize it. It doesn’t matter whether I will be there or not, it will be alive on the Internet.

What the site could do in the near future? One could probably think! Well, possibilities are many. It could provide employment, nurture talent, assist people in their over all development and could contribute to the empowerment of many. One day if God bless, it may come out with the print version of the site, so that people in the interior regions of Assam and Tripura could join and communicate with the rest of the world. Yes, it could do so many other things.

To keep the ball rolling definitely it is necessary to bring the site into self-sustenance level. And it will come when there will be a mode of money generation.

To materialize the same, it has come out with a service “Order Books from Delhi”. Definitely the service would be beneficial to the people availing it and for the maintenance of the site. Service would be catered to the whole world with a commission of a tiny amount.

To know more about the service, visit “Order Books from Delhi”.

Today is Ninthoapa (Monday)

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  • Comments

    1. Hi Rishikesh,

      This is an excellent idea you have come out with to help the students residing in far off places and other needy readers who are getting difficulty in getting important textbooks due to scarcity and low demand of the books in some areas. Delhi is the main hub of books where almost every type of text books of various publishers at low price is available.

      So, this service of online order of books through this site will definitely help the readers of this site and others to get their desired textbooks easily sitting at their home place.

      I hope the readers of this site should encourage this scheme and take the full advantage of it. Just go ahead, place orders of the required books and as per availability of the ordered books the books will be on your hand in a easy process at your doorstep.

      This will also help in promoting and developing the site more for the readers.

      Pratibha Sinha

    2. Hi Rishikesh, This 'One Step Forward' is a excellent idea. Hope it will help specially students those who are far from Delhi.


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