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Socio Cultural Society of Bishnupriya Manipuri formed in Tripura

An organization named “Socio Cultural Society of Bishnupriya Manipuri” has been formed by the population of Bishnupriya Manipuri community residing in Agartala Municipality Area. The society is duly registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

The society with Gopi Sinha as President, Maj. Prafulla Kr. Sinha (Retd) Secretary, Apurba Sinha Treasurer has been formed with the aim to protect, preserve, nurture and flourish the rich socio-cultural heritage of Bishnupriya Manipuri.

The objectives behind the formation of the organisation are:
(a) To protect the original history, material evidences and information of heritage and socio-cultural value of Bishnupriya Manipuri.
(b) To preserve the socio-cultural heritage of the community including the language of Bishnupriya Manipuri.
(c) To nurture and develop the socio-cultural activities by regular practice, generating more interest through awareness and motivation.
(d) To flourish the rich heritage and socio-cultural activities of Bishnupriya Manipuri by organizing programmes at State, National and International level.
(e) Certification of the existing expert personalities of the community in different disciplines, in recognition to their knowledge in Manipuri dance, song, music and other allied fields, in consultation with the appropriate authorities and their rehabilitation.
(f) Arrange training and standardization of knowledge in various disciplines of Bishnupriya Manipuri including dance, song, music and other allied activities
of the community, in consultation / collaboration with Government / Semi-Government or private institutes of repute nature on the field.
(g) To organize competitions on issues associated with the community.
(h) To introduce certification along with prizes / incentives for distinction on any field relating to socio-cultural development of the community.
(i) To make provision for a library to preserve the important documents, and books of Bishnupriya Manipuri along with a reading room.
(j) Organize Workshop on :
Mridanga Badan(Dakula)
Manipuri Song(Ishalpa)
Making Dresses of Raash (Pallei)
Hand Weaving (Lahing/ Langau/ Inafi)
Handloom Weaving (Gamsa/ inafi)
Handicraft (Tapu Making etc)
Manipuri Dance for boys and girls etc.
(k) To mediate and liaise with the State and Central Government for extending various schemes to promote the socio-cultural, and literary status of Bishnupriya Manipuri.
(l) To organize functions of Bishnupriya Manipuri in co-ordination with other communities during various occasions at State and National level.
(m) Establish electronic Library / Record room for available songs, films, and other activities of important nature etc.
(n) To set up Dress Bank of Bishnupriya Manipuri and its outlets, to distribute the same to the needy, for cultural activities.
(o) To procure & establish stocks of Mridanga and other musical instruments of Bishnupriya Manipuri and distribute to the poor and deserving artists.
(p) To encourage formation of teams voluntarily, for socio-cultural activities of Bishnupriya Manipuri.
(q) To raise fund for carrying out the activities through subscriptions and contributions, donations and grants from individuals, Institutions, Governmental and Non-Governmental Agencies and others.
(r) To raise loans for carrying out its activities from Individuals, Institutions, Banks, Financial Institutions, Governmental and Non-Governmental Agencies, Corporate, Business Homes, and others on suitable term and condition.
(s) To purchase, acquire, build, sell, manage, and otherwise deal with any movable and immovable property for earning income for the society in furtherance of the aim and objects of the society.
(t) To set up other required institutions for carrying out the aim and objects of the society.
(u) To maintain the Society to be totally non-political social society.
(v) To seek advise / suggestions / assistance / co-operations from other such societies and vice versa to achieve the aim and objects.
(w) To undertake any activity incidental to or related to the above activities.


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