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Bishnupriya Manipuri Development Council Part (v)

By Rebati Mohan Sinha, Mumbai

Learn to accept the reality of ourselves as some of us with strength and weaknesses will have some good days and bad days too. And at the same time we should not rely on any individual to do the needful for the benefit of the entire community as far as the development is concerned. Even no super human could do such job unless a collective wisdom is prevailed.

Bishnupriya Manipuris demand from Government of Assam for the Development Council without any specification is similar to a demon praying God to become immortal. If at all there were a specification at the time of declaration in the year 2003 at World Conference of NBMM, it is not yet made known to general public; hence many of us are wandering where to start with after the Gazette Notification.

We should be very much clear in our minds that the Government of Assam has not disbursed Development Councils to these communities: Bishnupriya Manipuris, Nath Yogi, Maimal and Moria; but the Government has fulfilled the demands of these communities. Therefore, the Government has to sit down with these communities to formulate Acts (modalities) to meet their aspirations such as objectives, areas, status of the Development Council vis-a-vis power of council members etc. Once both the parties sit to formulate, this will be the beginning of Council making process. After that comes the ad.hoc. Committee making to run the council till the election is held and location of its Head Quarters and temporary office is determined.

Now the million-dollar question who should represent the Bishnupriya Manipuri community in this crucial talk of Council making with the Government of Assam. On Government notification, the Department for Welfare of Plain Tribes & Backward Classes( WPT &BC) would invite these stakeholders (communities) to finalize the modalities which might be in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to run the Development Councils. As far as BMDC is concerned the stakeholder, the office bearers, the President and/or Secretary General, NBMM would be the signatories of the MOU. Once the agreement is signed, the Act will come into force.

Our aspiration, in the form of demands, would be written on a memorandum and submitted to the Government for discussion during the meeting. Those demands might be as follows as per Government notification i.e Social-economic, Educational, Cultural and Ethnic Advancement, say, (1).Organisational Structure,(2). The Area of declared Development Council comprises of all the Bishnupriya Manipuri villages to be prepared in a separate annexure,(3) Power and function, (4). Centre for development and research of Bishnupriya Manipuri language, (5). Up-gradation of Education Infrastructure in the Council areas, (6). Cultural Complex at a central place, (7).Medical facilities, (8). Sports, (9) Irrigation for Agriculture, (10). Flood Control, (11). Fishing and Horticulture Centre (12). Education, (13). Development Projects, (14). Handloom, (15). Cultural Affairs, (16). Rural Development, (17). Social Welfare, (18). Food and Civil Supply, (19). Relief and Rehabilitation and many more to be included.


  1. kartiksena sinha22 October 2011 at 19:25

    First of all would like to know that do you have any document submitted by the NBMM for Dev.council to the Govt.of Assam in 2003?Moreover,why comple to declare just one day bofore Rajya Sabha Election i..e..,26th March'10?R u not aware the real fact or you also not willing to accept real sacrifies done by our only Representative for the sake of the community living in Assam.Please be  royal with genuine fact rather to impose forcefully..thanks


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