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Biography of Shri Jogendra Kumar Sinha

Jogendra Kumar Sinha, the famous Bishnupriya Manipuri play writer, author and poet is celebrating his 70th birthday today.

Born on 11th October, 1940 at village Masughat in the District of Cachar, Assam, Jogendra Kumar Sinha belongs to a family well renowned for their cultural activities. His father Late Rai Kishore Sinha and his twin brother Late Radha Mohan Sinha were trained Dakula. They took training from Ojha Gulap Singha. His grandmother Gunabati was a popular Bashok Uli in the years 1920 to 1950. His uncle was also a famous Pathak (Reader) or Leirik Thipa in his time.

Jogendra Kumar Sinha started his literary career very early; at the age of 22 he published his first romantic poetry book called “Madhu Malati” in the year 1962. Thereafter, he wrote a dozen of play books which were based on epical, historical theme and social problems. He also wrote two books of songs and published many stories, short stories and essays on various topics.

His most notable contribution in the Bishnupriya Manipuri literature was the translation of Mudra Prakranam of Bharat Muni’s, “Natya Shastra” to Bishnupriya Manipuri.

The author has so far written 25 books in Bishnupriya Manipuri and has given his expression through various articles in Bengali which were published in various Daily’s and Literary Magazines of Assam and Bengal.

He also received appreciation for his pioneering work in showcasing Manipuri Society to the world. In a Souvenir published on the occasion of Golden Jubilee of the INA Workers Meet in Delhi in 2003, he wrote an article in Hindi on the INA activity and activists of the Manipuri Society.

Literature apart, he has been active to the service of the Bishnupriya Manipuri community. He was elected as the Joint secretary of the Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Sahitya Parishad. And thereafter, he became the general secretary of the NBMSP and continued with the same responsibility for more than a decade. Later he became General Secretary of the Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Mahasabha and subsequently became the Vice President of the Mahasabha. He has been holding the office of the President of the Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Sanskriti Parishad since more than a decade. 

The Books written by Shri Sinha are as follows:

Awar Bagan    Etihasik panchank natak
Gangar Shapanta   Etihasik tin ank natak
Paona     Etihasik tin ank  natak 
Chiruwa    Etihasik tin ank natak
Karmabir Rajbabu   Samajik tin ank natak
Jain Babu    Samajik tin ank natak
Sorupar Kirtan    Samajik tin ank natak
Das hati    Samajik ek ank natak
Amar Dabi Dena lagtoi  Samajik ek ank natak
Meitpa Montri    Samajik ek ank natak
Ghotokochur biya   Pounik ek ank natak
Kuberor Baishnob Seva  Pounik ek ank natak
Balaram Baishnob Seva  Pounik ek ank natak
Rajeshor Jagyot Pandavar Bouye Pounik ek ank natak
Arati Pareng    Aratir  ela
Amar Ela    Elar Sankalan
Tandap    Kaibya
Yari Pouri    Yari baro prabandh sankalan
Mayek Chino    Sou mayek chinani leirik
Itihass or Pohora Kotopata  Etihasik yari
Amar Sanskriti    Sanskrit besoi prabandh
Mathur    Pala kirtan
Mudra Prakranam   Bharat Munir natya  Sahastra anubad
Amar Ela Nacha Sandhyabali

Leirik Panar Pham:  Chitrangadha Sangeet Mahavidyalaya

Today is Lamboishing (Sunday)


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