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Bury the word “BM” for Bishnupriya Manipuri

By RK Rishikesh Sinha, New Delhi

We all agree the name of our community is “Bishnupriya Manipuri” and NOT “BM”, “bm” or “B.M”, the style of format that we usually see, writes and comments in this blog.

Writers submitting articles here in the blog know how I fall on this word. I comb this word and delete it mercilessly. Understanding – the word is wrong, and it does not exists – came too late to me. Let me confess to all of you.

If you have gone down to the blog and had read previous articles, you would have found the abbreviation was used very frequently. But it doesn’t exist now; the abbreviation has been deleted from all the articles in the blog. The exercise was massive, but it was done. If you still find the abbreviation (don’t consider in comments) do send me the link. It will be changed.

Allowing the abbreviation to remain in the blog, and its repetitive usage either in writing, reading and in our conversation – time will come we may start believing the name of the community is “BM”. This is itself is a danger to the identity of the great community.

We will not know when this word had attacked our sensory organs and then to our central nervous system. And children, we know, will be more vulnerable to this usage. We must see their future.

So, whoever comments or writes anywhere in online or in print, keep in mind you have to abstain yourself writing BM in the place of Bishnupriya Manipuri. Saving few seconds writing Bishnupriya Manipuri will save generation who may start believing BM is our community.

Like this, though in different strata, there are many other issues, though not visible to all of you, I find it in the blog’s reports which are very harmful to all of us. I bet, slowly and steadily it will be handled and mitigated.

With this thought, I still believe in online we are still not clear about our fundamentals. Hence any support giving a corporate look to the blog or any attempt in this direction, I maintain No, No…

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  1. I don't see any reason why referring our community as BM in abbreviated form should be a matter of concern. After all the shortened version is neither a slang nor derogatory and most importantly it does not convey any false identity. It is just a harmless abbreviated form.

    It is like saying people of United States of America should always address themselves as citizens of United States of America and not USA or US of A or simply US.

    Off course it will be a concern if we call the Americans as Yankees or the Germans as Jerries or the English as Pommies in official parlance. Back home the Bengalis or called as Bongs, Gujratis are called as Gujjus, Maharastrians are called as Ghattis, Biharis are called as well....Biharis.. The Meiteis call us as Mayang. Now that is derogatory and it portrays the community in a poor light.

    I am not sure if I have given sound analogy but I don't really find BM as offensive or it affects our identity.

  2. Hello Pink Floyd, i do agree with you though partially.

    reason - first like other community (forget nation) we don't have in libraries - stack of literature or vibrant media which plays very responsibly and we can refer to.

    Take a e-newspaper or book u will find they have a style format with names and designation almost with each and every word and use of tense.

    ex The Hindu always uses Mr. with names of the leaders whereas economic times does not carry Mr.

    The Hindu again - they don't use "Hero", "Heroine" they use "actor" and "actresses".

    like this every media have their own style sheet. m not talking about yellow journalism.

    Now since we are first time venturing into active text communication we have to bit conscious of the choice of words.we dont have a style sheet.

    after few years when we will have good taste buds than we can go with informal words and sentences.

    hope i have answered

  3. Point taken as far as to maintain a consistency in this blog.


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