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Puranic Story of the Creation of Manipur.

Jyotirmoy Roy in his 1958 published book "History of Manipur" writes: 

(He puts the history before 8th Century AD of Manipur under Puranic Age)

The Creation of the Earth

It is found in the old Puaran, Leithak Leikharol that one day Mahadev narrated Ganesh the story of the creation of Manipur. In the beginning, Manipur was under water. Nine Laipumningthous and seven Lainuras created the land of Manipur by throwing earth into water. After the formation of the land Atia Guru Shibada, the Lord of the Universe entrusted God Kodin with the task of making mortal beings. Accordingly God Kodin placed before the Guru, seven monkeys and seven frogs. But the Guru did not approve of them because they had no intelligence. Kodin then produced an image of man. The Guru then bestowed life to it. Thus the first man brought on this earth. Afterwards the frogs were placed in water, the monkeys were placed in the hills, and the man was placed in the valley. All of them were mortals. Finally Kojinta-Thokpa (the sun in human form) and Ashiva (the moon in human form) were created. At the end of the creation the Guru disappeared.

After a long period the Guru appeared again at Wankhei through a hole in the Kurumching hill. He then called his two sons Kuptreng and Sentreng. Along with these two sons seven other gods also came to Manipur in mortal forms.

The seven goddesses who came with the Guru were then given in marriage with those seven gods. Each of these Gods became the founder of Angom, Ningthouja, Luang, Khuman, Moirang, Chenglei Khaba and Nganba, these seven families respectively.

One day the Guru in order to test the faith and devotion of his sons towards him appeared in the Vijaya river in the form of a dead cow. Sentring on seeing the movement of the tail of the dead cow recognised it to be their father, the Guru. Kuptreng though failed to agree with Sentring, joined with the latter in dragging the dead cow to the shore. The Guru then assumed his proper form and told Sentreng "Son! you have rightly recognised your father. Henceforth you would be known as Pakhangba (he who has known his father) " Kuptreng had the complexion of hot gold. Hence he came to be known as Snamahi (Sna=Gold; Mahi = Fire).

On another day the Guru called Pakhangba and Snamahi by his side. When they came, he told them. "I have decided to give the throne to one of you who will be able to report to me first after going round the world". On hearing this Snamahi, the elder brother went to the South. The younger brother Pakhangba who was comparatively weak following the advice of Leimarolshidabi moved round the seat of the Guru seven times and reported to his father because he already knew that the effect of moving round the seat of the Guru is the same as that of going round the world. The Guru became very much pleased to see his devotion and nominated him as his successor. When he came to know of it after going round the world Snamahi became furious. In view of the imminent fight between the two brothers the Guru brought out a solution agreeable to both. Both of them would rule Manipur by rotation, for 12 years at a time. While one would ascend the throne the other would be worshipped as a household deity. Thus while the peace was restored the Guru disappeared leaving behind his attendant "Taobala" (the snake God).


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