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Not leaders, but an office is required


By RK Rishikesh Sinha, New Delhi

To the question, what is urgently required for the upliftment of the Bishnupriya Manipuri community? One answer that intermittently pops us in our mind is to have leaders, like any leader to show us direction, and  who fills us with confidence (even if there is not!).

Give a thought, you will find we don’t need leaders that we are accustomed to encounter in our democratic life. One will find there is a leader in one’s lane, municipal body, and constituency! And there are leaders who are scam ridden and some media savvy! Anyway!

We are talking about leaders whose primary purpose is to bring economic and social upliftment to the populace, and who meets our aspiration. But, do we really need leaders to meet our train loads of expectation. No, we don’t need them. What we need? We need offices for our organizations that are actively working for the community.

An office, an administrator, a clerk, a table and a chair, telephone, if possible an internet-enabled computer, is what we should aspire from the known and unknown organizations to meet their primary purpose.

A good administered office, at least will go a long way than waiting for the so-called leader to emerge. After all, the leader will also need an office to carry out schemes and to be in touch with people.

Looking around in our offices, we don’t see the so-called leaders, but we have managers, the administrators, who are doing great job bringing name and fame and monetary benefits to the organizations. Not to forget, skill generation and knowledge enhancements that they inculcate in us and in general to the society.

Irony is that most of the organizations in India which are into socio-cultural and economic development field are facing the same problems. There are NGOs which only exist in papers; you can’t contact them as they have shifted their offices. Some are run in private residential or commercial places. Everything is messy.

However, if you are able to contact the President, the Secretary General of the organization, and enquire about its members and employees, don’t get aghast hearing his or her answer. It is a one-man organization. Don’t expect receiving queries about telephone number and email id.

The darker side of these organizations is that they faces acute fund crunch. Scarcity of fund comes in their proper functioning of the organizations. One cannot expect from these organizations a suave office where we work.

This was a general preview about those organizations which are into various sectors. Coming to our organizations, definitely they can bear the cost of an office, a table and a chair, and a part-time clerk in Assam and Tripura. What for members are added, they have to bear the cost? Availability of a clerk will not be a problem in the two states, if a small remuneration is added.

Now comes the post of Secretary General, the designation differs from organization to organization and its type. He or she is the true administrator, the manager. The proper functioning of the organization is on his or her shoulder. You can find in him or her, the glimpses of a leader. Pay the person holding this post. And see the results: Students, researchers flocking in the offices to carry out their projects and media always at the door to carry or create news. And channels of revenue generation opening up automatically, ultimately bringing cheers among members seeing the growth.

It all starts with first opening up an one-room independent office.

Today is Ninthoapa (Monday)


  1. Leaders not; but an office, is not what exactly any society wants .
    Other than the office, a leader is also an essential requirement, be it in sports grounds or in a group.I m not talking of a scam ridden or media savy politcal leaders;but of a leader who can
    instantly take a decision.I do agree with RK Rishikesh Sinha about a minimum infrastructure rquired for running an office.

  2. This article speaks the true fact and real need on date for an organized body running for long period i.e. years after years in addition to real dedicated leaders. If an organized body is working for the socio-economic development and upliftment, then the administration consisting of committee members/officials should keep record of every project or work done and completed, tasks undergoing, pending tasks etc. This will help the organized body to analyse and judge themselves how much they have been able to achieve their objectives and plans, and able to take necessary steps to change & adopt new policies to carry out the pending tasks and achieve success.

    Establishment of an office gives a clear indication of a concrete organized body functioning smoothly with active members. Also a permanent office establishment with infrastructures will help to keep records of past and present safely so that the present members/officials of the body can keep the records of its functions during their tenure.

    A body running for long time should have a record of incumbency of committee members and previous tasks done which will help the successors to run the body smoothly in reference to previous records maintained by predecessors and can complete pending tasks, carry out new plans, policies and task etc.

    Establishment of an office is also an essential demand of an organized body to function smoothly and achieve it’s aim in addition to active dedicated members/officials.

    Pratibha Sinha

  3. Ms.Pratibha has hit the bull's eye.
    What ever she had mentioned, are absolutely correct and nothing else I would like to add upon.Only thing I like to emphasize on a leader who can guide the team to work for the betterment of the society.
    Leader should not be self obsessed.
    He motivates his team to work to the interest of the society and not run a one man show.He must prioritise the core issues affecting the society.He should be an efficient decision maker and must be able to tackle issues at the grass root level.It is not just a good speaker;but also a good listener


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