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By Rishikesh Sinha, New Delhi

You would have heard, even it had rang bells in your eardrums, when Bishnupriya Manipuri yuppie boys and girls, and their parents, plainly say that they don't want to mingle, even don't want to have a sort of relationship with their fellow kinsmen. In the support of their flawed perception, even they go to the extend and pass snide remark that they have a very matured, knowledgeable perspective of the world and of themselves in comparison to the immatured, illiterate, narrow-minded, never-to-change attitude of the people they are talking about. If one read between the lines of such uttered sentences one gets the smell that the persons talked of is having a high-nose and has taken into granted that people next to his family are ruck, untouchables, harijans: even lower than these strata. They condescend to every meeting you had with them.

The question is - Is it really so? Are they really "great, super-human soul" that the commumnity, the Bishnupriya Manipuri, must be indebted to them? Laughing stock, Isn't? You must laugh in their attempt to show incongruousness. I even laugh, actually I enjoy to my bone.

Next, change the situation. It is not possible that the person in question is meeting people of the same intellectual momentum. It cannot be possible. There, when he meets people having lesser volume of knowledge and information, his mental faculty doesn't differentiate, it doesn't even start ticking, a message popping up - the person is inferior to you, don't have any sort of interaction. Sorry, it doesn't even recognise the situation. However, when it comes to the case of having an interaction with the people of the same race, his whole genome start calculating from the mountain of active and passive source of information. And he comes to a decision - I'm superior to this fella. I would say, stop the calculation process. Why?

It is natural to have likings and dislikings and prejudice, but it doesn't conform to the fact that you are superior to the opposite person. Considering, that you don't have any affinity or you don't share the same mental frequency, I find it is much sober and acceptable expression than the one mentioned: "I don't want to..."

After all, the concept of community is something that is beyond your comprehension. It is not a book that could be rot and digested and later vomited in public and private places. Puh-leeze!


  1. I believe comparison is the complex state of mind and is the sign of uncultured, uneducated and unwise people who show their pedantry. Who are vulnerable and timid they think about superiority or inferiority. In fact they need something to exist. Well, Nice write-up. Did too much brooding. Isn’t. But It is common to every society.

  2. Disrespecting ones own community is like disrespecting his or her own parents..and a person who is highly literate is an educated illiterate to me, who does not know to respect his own community..because if you cannot respect your own people you cannot respect others..

    and one's superiority is counted by his or her deeds so if a person has superior quality it will come out without any effort..

    really liked both the issues u pointed out..

  3. A disturbing yet an accurate chilling social commentary you made. Hypocrisy and double standard ki kasam, I am not gonna admit if I had been at the receiving end or had dished out prejudice at a fellow BM but I am sure it gonna hit few sophisticated BMs with their pants down and eyes widening up contemplating the hollowness of their belief and absolute farce.

    Hey enjoyed the post.


  4. ya that's true because it use to happen in society ...But we have to make our mind to respect each and every community because it is not only a community or society,it is like a family........they all are our family members respect them and get respect too...Anyways great and well written...So Keep going..


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