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I have done something great!

The 3 mistakes of my life” is the recent novel by the famous-among-youngsters writer Chetan Bhagat. The novel is his third book after “Five Point to Someone” and “One Night @ Call Centre”. It’s my life’s first novel that I have read recently. I found the book very interesting and completed it in just two days. Read…

Sonika Rajkumari, New Delhi

Now I could boast that I have done something great! I have read the latest novel by Chetan Bhagat “The 3 mistakes of my life”. My parents would definitely feel good that their daughter has done something worth. As you all know students sitting at home after the finishing exams get lots of advice from others especially from their parents.

“Beta, don’t just waste your time by watching TV, what knowledge will you gain? or else watch news channels. Read grammar, newspapers, and GK books or novel these would help you.”

But my passion was watching that idiot box, listening to music which I still like and sometimes writing. I don’t really enjoy reading, if it is a novel which needs patience and interest. However, novels need both: patience and interest. But recently when I saw this book “The 3 mistakes of my life” at home I started reading it, but not under any sort of force as I had heard about the novel and the writer before.

I found the novel very interesting and I finished it in two days and shed few drops of tears at the end. No wonder! Girls often shed their tears. And I am not an exception.

It’s a real story, touching every aspect. The novel is humorous, at the same time serious and sensitive in tone and texture. It’s not the three mistakes that Chetan Bhagat had made in his life, but it is the mistakes of Govind.

The story is about a Gujrati boy Govind, who lives in Ahmedabad, and his best friends Omi and Ishan. Omi and Ishan were also Govind’s business partners. Govind falls in love with his best friend Ishan’s sister Vidya.

The end part of the story is awesome and very sensitive. How the three - Govind, Omi and Ishan fought against their own Hindu people and even against Omi’s mama, just to save an 11-year old Muslim boy Ali, whose parents got killed in the ongoing Hindu-Muslim riot. The riot was followed by the gruesome incident in which miscreants set fire a bogie of the Sabarmati Express, which was returning from Ayodhya. In that accident, Omi also lost his brother (his mama’s son).

After I completed the book my mind was occupied by the effect of the book. I would really like to say that I loved after reading it and will look forward to read another novel.

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  1. Chetan Bhagat and also Rupa & Co , the publisher must be happy to know that their publications are propagated on various non associated forums and pages...... Moderator may claim for his share of marketing royalty...

    Well Mr Bhagat is indeed a good writer...all the three novels are a hit.

    Ms. Sonika , u can also read Jhumpa Lahiri ,Eric Segal if not Vikram Seth or Shoba De as of now...

  2. Glad to hear that youngsters are taking interest in reading books...

    If u liked the theme of standing out for saving people in communal riots, I'd suggest you to read 'Train To Pakistan' By Khuswant Singh...It's one of the best to enlighten u how people suffered at the time of separation...

  3. Thank God "Young Sonika" your life's first novel was a Chetan Bhagat's and not a mushy mushy candy floss "Mills and Boon" even though I feel a M&B is better off than spending time infront of the idiot box. However, I do understand your passion for the idiot box and music videos. With so much of 24/7 multiple satellite channels clogging the airwaves enticing today's young guns with an antakshri, a SaasBahu, a rude Reality Show, it is difficult to spare some time for a good read unless it is a heavily marketed and highly overrated "Harry Potter."

    Back in my time while growing up in the late eighties and nineties there was just one channel "good old Doordarshan" which use to run shows in specific time bound phases, morning, afternoon and evening. A good clean entertainment meant waiting for Wednesday and Friday evenining for a 30 minute filmi musical programme called "Chitrahaar" followed by the Sunday Cartoons and a Sunday Evening Movie. So I guess kids of those era had ample time and with nothing else much to do, I grew up reading Enid Blyton series, then graduated to Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Case files and by 12th standard, I completed a number of Sidney Sheldon, Fredrick Forsyth, Robin Cook, Alistar Mclain, Robert Ludlum novels and not to speak of Tintin, Asterix, Indrajaal Comics and Russian fables. Those were some good old carefree days.

    Today with the burden of a demanding job in a tough global economy, life has turned a circle and now I read only comic strips that comes in the newspaper. Nevethless suggestion is the order of the day and most importantly since it does not cost me a dime; I say, "don't lose the habit of reading."

    If political dramas, heroism of unsung heroes, roots of communal divide, partition days, inside and interesting details of political figures who shaped our nation and overall the making of India intrigues you then you should read Dominique Lapierre/Larry Collins's "Freedom At Midnight." Believe you me, it is unputdownable and most importantly it is a highly accurate and unbiased account of the freedom movement.


  4. Pink Floyd u will love to read it. doordarshan days...

  5. Hi, it is really interesting that you like to read stories even me... having interest in reading all these interesting books....cute baby...Nice article All the best and keep going....God Bless You Dear...


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